The thing with looking back on the year


I started this blog in AugustĀ 2015, not quite a calendar year ago, but as the school year has now finished, it seems right to look back and see how far it has come.

popularMost Popular

By a long way, the most popular posts have been about the Cambridge Nationals R001 exam – the first post for the summer exam dominating, but others also getting quite a lot of hits – of my year’s stats, the top 6 are all linked to the R001 exam. It seems there wasn’t a huge amount of other people putting things out there and we’ll see how successful the kids have been in applying the learning to the paper.

There’s a big question mark for me over how much I’ll be putting in to Cambridge Nationals this coming year – as the course is being ‘retired’, I don’t see us putting more than a tiny handful of resits through. I’m sure I can post a few summaries, but other courses will be taking over in our curriculum model and on this site.

challengeBiggest Challenge

For me (and many others, it seems), this has been the Linux A452 Controlled Assessment. The DECĀ Levinux VM has led to a few enquiries from other teachers across the country, and several more have been asking after the resources I’ve used in-house to support my team in leading the CA with students. As this document gives partial answers, I’m not publishing it publicly online so that students can’t download it – email me if you’re after it.

As to next year, we’re probably not going to use the new Linux CA with our new GCSE groups, so I don’t plan to update Levinux to work specifically with that scenario. However, the ‘old’ one is current to submit in summer 2016, so I will continue to develop LevinuxĀ to make sure we can give our students the best resources.

One more thing

Most of the Computing teachers I know are using Python, so I’d like to highlight one resource that I’ve found helpful for completing programming projects, especially controlled assessment ones – the “cheat sheet“. The idea is to remind students of the skills they have practised in previous lessons so that they can concentrate on getting the logic right and support with debugging. It’s one that needs embedding – printing out and using across a series of lessons, modelling and demonstrating how it can be used well.Ā I’m sure I’ll keep tweaking and improving the cheat sheet to match the tasks we’re doing.

This summer I’ll probably keep fairly quiet on the blog, let myself recharge for the new year, but I will post at least one more time with some ideas of what I’ll be planning for the coming year. Ā Have a relaxing break, but it’s worth taking some time to look back at your year to see where your successes have been and what challenges you have had to work on.

The thing with a Crowdfunding Project


I’m not starting a crowdfunding project to raise money, I want to teach about crowdfunding to our year 9s as an ‘enrichment’ project. The plan is for them to look at what makes a successful campaign, come up with ideas for their own product and then make the video and web page for it. It’s kind of an updated version of the “Dragon’s Den” activities that have been so popular.

Anyway, the problem I have is with how I can get a site set up where all the kids in the year can ‘pledge’ to fund projects that others have created – to say “I want to fund this for Ā£20” and “I’ll fund that for Ā£30” etc and for that to display on the pages just like it would in Kickstarter or IndieGoGo.

I’ve done some research on this and it’s pretty tricky to find anything pre-made – there are lots of lessons about how to be successful at crowdfunding but not much about practicing or having a crowdfunding simulation.

One solution that is slightly workable is to make a ‘donate’ button that links to a Google Docs form where I can create a spreadsheet of what has been funded and embed that on the homepage, but it’s not quite as interactive as I’d like.

Do you have any ideas of how else I could do this? I have a web server that I can set up to run WordPress or any other CMS if necessary or otherwise I’d like some system we can run through our VLE.

The thing with Code Challenges


A cool set of resources that I’ve found on the OCR GCSE Reform siteĀ – click on the GCSE Computing section and you’ll find some resources designed to help support preparation for the new GCSE (teaching starts from September 2016). Click on “GCSEs” then “Computer Science”

The Draft Specification for that new course is now available – this is the course which will be assessed from grades 1 to 9. The key bit of information you need to know is that there will be two 1 hour 30 minute exams each worth 40% of the final grade and one piece of Controlled Assessment (“non exam assessment”) worth 20% – a very big change from the current course.

Code challenges are a set of tasks for students where they need to solve a problem. I think this is a fantastic way of teaching programming and computational thinking as it is instantly applied to a specific scenario. Done right, learnersĀ don’t just learn to solve one problem, they start to think about how to approach problems in general – specifically programming problems, but there’s also a SMSC angle to be taken here too.

We’ll probably be using some of the 20 code challenges as a summer task for our year 9s as they will have 6 weeks in the middle of the GCSE course (they will finish in summer 2016, a year early). It will be a way for them to think about writing pseudo-code and how to solve the kind of problems they will need to tackle for the A453 CA.

They may also find their way into the way we teach Python in year 8 in preparation for the GCSE – if a ‘problem centred approach’ is going to be part of the GCSE we also want it to be part of Key Stage 3.

A452 Linux and Security


I was chatting earlier onĀ hangouts with a colleague in Bristol who has some challenges with the Linux Controlled Assessment – particularly concerns from the Network Technicians at his school. They have beenĀ very worried about the implications of allowing students to use a Linux computer – or worse a VirtualBox install which could potentially allow some really aggressive hacking vectors on the network.

I’d say there are tonnes of positives about using VirtualBox and a full VM for each student – or even using a LiveUSB approach, but also some issues that at least in our use scenario at my school are overcome with Levinux. You can also see my earlier thoughts on issues with Raspberry Pi‘s as a solution

In a later post coming up I’ll detail some of the issues we’ve had with Levinux and what I’m planning to do about them in future releases. I also intend to review the new CA tasks and give my very general thoughts (no spoilers!) on them; I have them in my queue to look at very soon! If you’ve not seen them, look on OCR Interchange – you’ll need a login

Live USB problems

I would personally (security aside) prefer the live USB route – though with the caveat that obviously some time would be lost each lesson re-booting the computer and an OS takes longer to load from a USB stick than a hard drive. Factor in losing 5+ minutes more than you would logging in to your network.

A full distro installed as a live USB is a really good solution for introducing what it’s like to ‘live’ in Linux full time – something that it proves is fully possible (right now I’m writing this on the Ubuntu PC that has been my main computer in various incarnations for over 10 years). However, the only place to save files is on that USB drive. Good luck getting them off without getting the internet involved (you’ll definitely need the internet so that the students can research) – maybe email to themselves or upload to the VLE? Not ideally secure for Controlled Assessment work? We’ve also had issues with USB drives going missing – ‘forgotten’ in a machine, put in a pocket, they could even be stolen. If that’s the whole CA work then it’s a really big deal.

Many Network Managers will get chills at the though of allowing anyone to boot a machine from USB – it’s a big security hole that could allow students full control over hard drives (wipe all installed software, install viruses with admin permissions…) and as it’s a dead certainty that they’ll need network connections, another issue there.

VirtualBox problems

Virtual box hasĀ many of the security issues of a USB drive, plus the potential for performance issues. A colleague who has recently joined another local school has complained of slow performance of VirtualBox machines when trying to run fairly simple software (like IDLE) on powerful brand new machines. And of course that is after logging in to Windows, finding the software and booting the VM.

VirtualBox machines also take a lot of storage – at least a few GB per student. That very quickly adds up when you consider a class or two of 25+, then all the backup space needed… Again, your Network Manager is getting squirmy.

But VirtualBox doesn’t only allow the distro you choose to install – maybe Ubuntu or something common. There are lots of hacking focussed VMs you can download with little more than a google search and Youtube videos on how you can use them to hack. Just as there’s no limit to what can be booted from a USB drive, there are no limits to what a VM in VirtualBox can do on the network, though there will be less ability to damage the local hard drive.

VirtualBox installs a few different drivers on the machine, too – low level access to the Operating System so it can do clever things like bridge the network connection and appear on the network to other computers. This is handy if you’re trying to set up a virtual server as a technician, or if you’re trying to redirect traffic to your VM (because you’re a hacking script-kiddie), but not necessary for the CA tasks.

Levinux works for us

I’m not trying to preach on this one, but if you have Techs that are totally dead-set against the other options, some of these arguments might work.

Levinux is light-weight in footprint – the zip download is just 26MB and expands to 36MB. The beauty of this is that it includes everything it needs to run, including QEMU (the software used by Google to help develop Android apps on the desktop). It can be run as a ‘portable program’ from a USB stick or from a local store on the hard drive or a network share. The implications of ~40MB per student versus say 2GB per student are quite clear.

Levinux is the only thing that Levinux can run – you’d need a lot of skills (well, a lot more than me) to use it to run a different, malicious distro. You’ll also find nothing that will help you hack a Windows network if you search for Levinux on Youtube! I’m not saying you couldn’t do it with 20 hours on your hands and a network connection, but there are a very small number of students who would be both capable enough, determined enough and able to ignore the CA task for long enough to do it!

Levinux, because it runs as a VM in Windows (or on Mac and Linux) allows you to use your normal set of software to research and write up – no new browser to get used to, your version of Office, your network folders, exactly as you do in every other lesson. The only learning curve is in the content of the questions and tasks, not in how to find out and write up. Simple printscreens into Word – everyone is used to that!

Levinux is quick – super responsive and boots from USB in less than 90 seconds – less time than it takes me to register my class! Boot from network is marginally slower, but much quicker than an Ubuntu Live CD or even a Raspberry Pi. QEMU is light-weight and as there’s almost nothing to load, Levinux takes up very little RAM as well as disk space.

If you’re interested in the training I’ve given to staff at my school, send me an email so you can see the suggested solutions using Levinux to all the problems of the 2014-16 Linux problems. Obviously this is not to be shared with students, so I can’t post it here!

Resource Review: Shell Handbook Linux Magazine Special


I’ve use so many different resources and some of them are definitely worth recommending to other teachers – you’re busy and only want to look at the best! This series will bring together some of the best resources that I’ve found and let you know what makes them so compelling.

First up is one for the A452 Linux Practical Investigation for OCR GCSE Computing. Although I didn’t experience it this way as I’ve had so many years experience of using Linux and the shell, I know that for others in my team it was a really daunting thing to start on this project. The Linux Shell Handbook has really helped with that initial fear by putting into one place pretty much all that is needed to have a confident go at explaining completely new concepts.

This resource wasn’t designed for teaching, it’s a general industry wide tool that was created by Linux Magazine as a special issue. It doesn’t deliberately cover CA content and in fact covers a lot more ground than is needed for the project. What it does do is create a single go-to ‘text book’ style resource with credibility but also approachability.

I’ve shared the resource with staff and students at my school and it’s definitely one of the preferred things to go to when there’s a new task to look at. I have two copies on paper in my classroom that are always picked up to use by different students each lesson. I think that is the measure of a good resource – that the kids themselves use it and pass it on to each other.

You can download the Linux Shell Handbook for $15.99 (that’s USD, paid via Paypal, which came to Ā£10.34 when I bought it about a month ago). I never looked too closely at buying it in ‘dead tree’ format as I printed the PDF out to use in my lessons. I’ve also split it up into chapters that the students can access as a shared resource so they download only the section they need for the task they’re on.

HighlyĀ RecommendedĀ – I only wish there were some sections on the oddities that different distros bring into the mix – some of the commands are distro-specific and as we’re using DEC LevinuxĀ which is based on TinyCore, there are parts of the CA that cannot be completed with the handbook – though this is a good opportunity for a wider range of resources to be used.

The thing with reflecting on the R001 exam


Yesterday was the R001 Cambridge Nationals ICT exam that I’ve been banging on about for so long (it seems!). Overall I’m happy with it, but there are a few things I’ve noticed that will be interesting to reflect on if you have learners taking the exam next year – at the moment we’re not planning to do any more resits, though it’s possible that will change.

On the whole the questions I predicted were fairly close to the actual questions. I didn’t really think much about the non-illustration aspect of creating the cartoons, especially the audio bit that was in a question. Similarly, the comparison of social media with Richard’s own website was an interesting angle to take.

What is definitely a difference to previous exams is how cleverly the topics of spreadsheets and databases have been fitted in to the scenario. While the forms question linking to databases is relatively obvious, I didn’t think about how spreadsheets could be linked to a timesheet aspect. How this is played out in future exams will be interesting to see, but all the time I’m thinking that there won’t be that many exams in the future that will be relevant.

I’m glad that the resources have been helpful to so many people and while I will still be teaching and planning for some Cambridge Nationals work, in the coming year it will definitely be a lower priority to this year and I’ll focus more on GCSE Computing and ECDL.

The thing with the exam getting really close now!


It really is close – yet somehow none of my year 10 students have ‘the fear’, it seems. They’re just chilling out, taking their time, not too worried about whatever will happen.

I, on the other hand…

Anyway, in these last few days before the exam, you may be after some new resources to use. I have split the pre-release in to 12 topics and there are now lessons on every single one of them.


I also have two different mock papers – to get the mark scheme, join my mailing list

Mock Exam March 2015

Mock Exam March 2015

Mock Exam April 2015

Mock Exam April 2015






The last-minute revision ‘cramming session’ is the last thing for us to plan. My normal approach is complicated by the science exam that the kids are taking the afternoon before. I’m still figuring out how we can do it best with that constraint – we’ll get something sorted in the next few days.

The thing with another new exam paper


I’ve already sent this out to my email list – if you haven’t joined up you’ve missed out! Doubly so, because only my email subscribers have access to the mark schemes – it will come in an email from, which I’ve found can get filtered to ‘promotions’ by Gmail and even to spam by some systems, so it’s worth double-checking. I keep the mark scheme to subscribers only so that you can use it in lessons or for homework without your most resourceful students downloading a copy to help them out!

Anyway, this paper is again based on the scenario for Summer 2015, Animated World Books and their employees Catherine and Richard. It’s an ideal preparation for the exam itself, which is scarily close now!

I also need to give a special shout out to Matthew who emailed me to let me know about a mistake I’d made in the exam paper that’s now been corrected. Thank you to everyone who contacts me, I feel very encouraged to keep up doing this as I can see it’s having a real impact.

Mock Exam March 2015

Mock Exam AprilĀ 2015

The thing with the updated DEC Levinux


We’re now moving ahead with using Levinux in school – to be quite honest with some fear! Anyway, pre-release testing caught a few bugs in the system that you might want to see removed. DEC-Levinux now includes a working text editor, UK keyboard layout and some different files in the home directory.

The version I’m using in school has a copy of the CA task in the folders, I’ve obviously had to remove that to publish online, but if you dig far enough you’ll find references to it.

I’ve also created a working document to support my colleagues – not for kids at all. I’ve called it a ‘Teacher’s Linux Primer’ but really it’s more like a working set of solutions to the problems (apart from the last two tasks) so they can plan and support the groups with a feeling of knowing a solution. I’ll be publishing it with the next email update in the next week or so and possibly on TES. If you feel you need a draft copy more urgently, let me know and I’ll send you a copy – but I’ll not be putting it directly on the site as students may access it and it might be seen as a solution to the CA task.


Download DEC Levinux (~25MB)


The thing with getting back up to speed


After a quiet couple of weeks on the blog and in real life, it’s back to 100 miles per hour at school for most of us (apart from the few odd places that had different holiday dates!)

I’ve come back to a super-long to do list (Wunderlist is my jam), not just from preparing for exams and finishing off marking of assessments to send off, not just from preparing for BTEC SV and a folder check, not just report grades to prepare but other pressures in school too.

In order to ease the pressure on all of you, I’m planning to be regularly updating my lesson resources for the Cambridge Nationals R001 exam – I’ll tweet when I put new things in the folder, even if I don’t make a new post on here every time. I’ll also be sharing some reflections on (and resources for) ECDL as we’re now kicking that off with our Y9 students.

Lastly, the number of people signing up to my mailing list is really encouraging – I’ll be putting a new update out over email with at least one more mock paper when I’m ready – the mark scheme will be email-only.